Milton Keynes’ bollards and green spaces have been given a ‘summer facelift’ in recent weeks.
Local Conservative councillors are currently embarking on a ‘100-bollard repainting challenge’ and litter picks to help spruce MK up.
The local Conservative group, led in their redecorating efforts by Tattenhoe Councillor James Lancaster, say that they wanted to bring some pride back into ‘our communities’ and help keep MK clean and tidy.
They have so far repainted 74 yellow bollards across Milton Keynes including bollards in Furzton, Newport Pagnell, Shenley Lodge, Tattenhoe and Stantonbury.
They’ve also used the time to litter pick green spaces such as Bury Fields in Newport Pagnell and the area surrounding Furzton Lake.
Councillor James Lancaster, Councillor for Tattenhoe, said: “Residents have been raising with us how untidy MK is looking right now so we really wanted to get out there and bring some pride back into our communities.
"We’re closing in on repainting 100 yellow bollards in just over a month while also getting out in our areas to pick up litter and clean street signs on behalf of our residents.
"It’s important especially with our bid for city status coming up that residents can feel pride in their communities.”