Mayors Awards Entry Form - Ages 7 to 13

    Nominate for The Mayors Awards - Ages 7 to 13

    Nominee School Year *
    Please tick here to confirm you have consent from the nominee’s parent/guardian to provide their details.* *
    Tick here to confirm they have read the full terms and conditions at the bottom the page* *
    Category you are entering your nominee in (you may only select one category *


    • An individual may only submit one nomination per category.
    • All nominees for all categories will also be considered for an additional, overall Mayors’ Award. 
    • An individual may not nominate an immediate family member i.e. child, parent, sibling.
    • The judging panel reserves the right to change the category of the submitted nomination.
    • The Mayor’s Awards are an independently run competition by Milton Keynes City Council Mayor’s Office and not in conjunction with any other local awards/nominations and do not offer any special rights or privileges to the winners.
    • Sponsors of the award ceremony are not eligible for entry.
    • Councillors of Milton Keynes City Council or Town/Parishes are not eligible for entry.
    • The awards are open to children attending Mainstream schools Year 7 to 13 and pupils attending Special Schools up to Year 14 plus home-schooled children in these year groups. Please ensure you complete the correct form though the main site.
    • Data Protection Privacy Statement: Your information will be processed by the MKFM site and sent directly to the Milton Keynes City Council Mayor’s Office to be used by the Mayor’s Office and Democratic Services at MK City Council for the purposes of the Mayors Award. We require the above entry information for the purposes of informing the nominator, nominee and their parents/carer of the results of the competition. Winners information will be shared within MK City Council and judges for the purpose of the Award and passed on for media purposes when consent is provided. Some of the applications may be used as positive stories with identities etc hidden and shared with the public. Information not needed or used will be disposed of securely and all applications will be destroyed at the end of the process. We work within MK City Council’s Data Privacy statement which can be found at

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