The future of robotics: trends you should know in 2023

    When you think of the word ‘Robot,’ the first image that may come to mind is that of metallic humanoids from sci-fi movies plotting to take over the world. In reality, modern-day robotics is all about making life more comfortable and convenient.

    Robots have come a long way from being giant machines that occupied vast amounts of space to simple AI software and programs that require no special machinery at all. Automation and robotics have made business operations more adaptive, reactive, and flexible than ever before. Robots are now being designed to tackle modern challenges like supply chain disruptions, skilled labour shortages, lengthy response rates, security breaches, etc. And this trend is only expected to become more deeply integrated into all operations and systems in the coming future. Here’s a glimpse of how robotics and automation will reshape the business and industrial world in 2023 and beyond.

    Rise Of Cobots

    Cobots or Collaborative Robots are revolutionising the industrial sector. They are designed to work quicker, more efficiently and safely, so there is minimum scope for error and disruption. But their biggest advantage is they require no special skills to operate and occupy very little space as compared to their traditional counterparts. Hence, more and more companies are expected to invest in them and streamline their operations soon. 

    Robotics In Logistics

    The logistics sector offers maximum opportunities for robots to improve existing processes and operations. E-commerce transactions and delivery management, warehouse management, food delivery, and autonomous robotic packaging and palletising, are just some of the areas where automation and robots are extensively used to make things easier and more efficient. In the coming time, more logistics companies are expected to integrate robotics in several other critical areas to improve their speed and efficiency.

    Data-Led & Adaptive Robotics

    As the world becomes more and more data-driven, the same can be expected from upcoming robotics technology. Robots are being designed to use real-time data to provide problem-specific solutions and be adaptive in their responses to ensure a more human-like experience for the end users. Data-led automation will transform the transportation, manufacturing, and logistics industries and make their operations smoother and more secure.

    Robots In Industries

    The industrial sector stands to benefit the most from all the advancements in robotics and automation. The automotive, manufacturing, aeronautics, and construction industries, in particular, are becoming more and more reliant on AI, robotics, IoT and automation for their processes. These technologies are commonly used for quality control, assembly, and in-house transportation, and are expected to be integrated in other areas as well. Robots will prove highly effective in tackling the skilled labour shortage in these highly skill-based industries.

    Robotics In Healthcare

    The field of medicine and healthcare also has a lot to gain from evolving robotics technology. Medical robots are already being used by surgeons to assist them in surgery. The next stage will see them using remote robots to perform surgeries over video calls from anywhere in the world. Autonomous robots were also extensively used across all major countries during the pandemic to disinfect and sterilise buildings with UV light. This technology is being further developed to cover larger areas with more accuracy and speed. Another healthcare area where robots will make a significant impact is patient care in hospitals and care homes. Prototypes have already been developed and tested in real-life hospital settings to understand their impact on the well-being and recovery of patients. 

    To say that robotics will revolutionise the way we live and work is an understatement. With the extent of research and development occurring in this field, it is safe to say that robots will take over the world, not to uproot humanity but to enhance it. 

    Read more articles and tech news in the city and the world by visiting Biztech, the official business and technology forum of Milton Keynes.

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