Cool Cars get a Cool App –

    As part of Technology in MK with Biztech, we are showcasing some really cool everyday tech built in Milton Keynes.

    Our first spotlight falls on, the platform for sharing facts about your much-loved motor with enthusiasts and others, using a simple, everyday, recognisable interface (the car tax disc, remember them?) linked to the ubiquitous tech of the smartphone. The FactsDisc Platform allows a car owner to create a profile of information about their car, from history and performance through to details of restoration and modification. The owner displays a FactsDisc in the car window, which allows anyone who is interested in accessing the car's profile by simply scanning the QR CODE on the FactsDisc.

    Why is this cool? Apart from the design of the FactsDisc itself, which beautifully echoes the car tax disc so familiar to owners of classic cars, the creation of a dedicated platform for sharing information and encouraging conversation is massively important for any group who wants to avoid the noise of wider social media. Doing that through an interface that is sympathetic to the group, familiar, easy to use, scalable and adds a sense of belonging to a club is where the coolness kicks in. was created by Paul Tombs and his team at Olney-based Buzz2Get. Paul inherited his love of classic cars from his father, who spent many years owning and restoring a wide range of cars, culminating in the conversion of a 1954 Bentley from a hard top to a convertible, which is a significant technical and engineering project. Paul completed the project after his father's Alzheimer's made it difficult for him to continue.

    Buzz2Get have been developing platforms that interface with mobile apps for some while. Developing customer engagement solutions, the team at Buzz2Get are focused on delivering tech solutions that are as easy to use as they are beneficial.

    "I believe the secret of successful tech innovation is the level of familiarity it has with its users," said Paul in our conversation about "We wanted to build something that would be easy to use, just like any good app and would deliver real benefit to this particular customer group. Having a record of your pride and joy that you can share and compare with others is something that people in the classic and membership car communities have always done. It used to be tatty old folders of pictures left on the passenger seat for others to browse through, one at a time. Now your car detail is available to everyone, all of the time."

    Biztech is completely aligned with this approach. Tech innovation includes everything from designing revolutionary hardware and software to using existing tools in new ways to deliver targeted benefits to users. Our Everyday Tech showcase is all about the creation of things that look and feel familiar but have some really new and novel applications.

    If you want to talk to BizTech about your cool everyday tech, get in touch. 

    To find out more about our Technology in MK partner, please visit BizTech's website here.

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