Would you like to become a lawyer, or boost your career, while still doing your day job?

    The University of Buckingham runs a part-time law degree programme (LLB) and is holding a virtual showcase evening where you can find out how.

    Attendees at the event on May 18th from 7pm to 8pm will be able to hear what this part-time law programme is like, straight from the horse’s mouth – current and former students, as well as lecturers, will talk about the programme.

    The opportunity of gaining a law degree while working has transformed hundreds of lives and attendees can hear about just what an amazing opportunity this four-year programme has provided for those who have taken it. Many students have come from Buckingham and local areas.

    There will also be a chance to ask questions of the panel to find out how it’s possible to do the degree and continue in your job. By studying just one evening a week, students can gain a law degree in just four years.

    James Slater, programme director for the LLB programme said: “Buckingham’s evening-study model is designed to offer a unique method of study.  It combines the advantage of motivational, productive feedback at regular Wednesday evening seminars with the convenience of flexible learning around full-time work, home/care responsibility and other commitments.

    “The weekly evening sessions offer a stimulating interaction with tutors, who will help consolidate your understanding as your legal knowledge and confidence grow.

    “This course has changed so many lives. Included are single parents who would have struggled to study full-time but became lawyers via this route. All walks of life have been able to use the degree to transform their lives and gain self-confidence and a range of new skills.

    “Some decide not to become lawyers, but the degree is the gateway to a high-flying career. This programme really does change lives, so please join us to find out how we can help take you on a new and exciting path that will really enhance your career and lead to exciting change.”

    The programme has a three-term format, with teaching taking place from October to June, with breaks at Christmas and Easter, as well as the long summer break. 

    The Law School very much looks forward to seeing you at this event. If you have any questions, please email law@buckingham.ac.uk.

    To attend this event, please click here.

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