With the climate change crisis ravaging the world, going green has become compulsory. The growth and development of the world's industrial complex have led to an increase in the emission and dumping of toxic and non-degradable substances into the environment. These carbon byproducts are warming up the atmosphere and oceans, causing excessive rainfall, hurricanes, droughts, and flooding. Experts predict that if this crisis persists without a change in human attitude, our unborn children may have no earth to inherit.
The quantity of toxic gases companies emit was tracked with the invention of the greenhouse gas protocol. This protocol is a standard set by environmentalists to keep companies' and countries' greenhouse gas emissions in check for a better and cleaner future. To find more informations about the GHG protocol, which has now become a global standard for measuring companies' carbon emissions, visit their website.
What The Earth Stands To Gain From A Green World ?
The benefits of having a greener future are so enormous that they can't all be described in this article. Using the limited space, we will highlight some benefits of a greener world.
Good Health
Good health is the number one thing humans are to enjoy in a greener future. From research, most of today's deadly illnesses are caused by environmental degradation and carbon emission. With a carbon-zero future, there will be fewer illnesses and deaths.
At the moment, low-income countries are at the receiving end of the climate change crisis. These countries lack the financial support to fight the crisis and prepare for the future. In a green world, the cost of living in these countries would be better with channelled funds toward infrastructural and human development.
Droughts and flooding are wiping out a huge percentage of the world's food production. Countries like the United States, India, and China are the worst affected. If there could be a greener future, the impact of droughts and flooding on the farming population will reduce, food security will improve and sickness caused by malnutrition, eliminated.
You can be part of the group building a green future. To play your part, eat green, wear green, move green, and advocate for a green future.