Registrations still open for February half-term basketball camp in Milton Keynes

    MK Breakers are running their basketball camp for boys and girls of all abilities aged 7-16, from the 13th of February until the 15th.

    Started in September 2017 with just 40 kids, the MK Breakers Basketball Club has grown to over 900 boys & girls, 4-18, training and playing every week at one of their 6 basketball centres.

    In addition, they run their own Community Basketball League where the kids play in a competitive league environment, and, a school coaching program, which offers basketball to over 1,000 children every month, making them the largest community focussed sports club in the city.

    They also run half-term basketball clubs. If you have children that love basketball, there is still time to sign them up.

    The camps are a fun and affordable way to keep children active during the holidays, developing new skills and making new friends.

    You can book your child in for a single day, or they can attend for all 3 days.

    Click here to book.

    MK Breakers basketball camp will be held at Hazeley Academy, MK8 0PT.

    (enter directly to the sports hall from the car park)

    The camp will start at 09:30 (drop off from 09:00am) with a 15:30 finish. 

    (please collect your child promptly at 15:30pm)

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