Coppicing is the traditional process of cutting back of certain woody plants to just above ground level.
Many residents have been questioning why a lot of plans and trees are being cut away and The Parks Trust have explained why it is actually beneficial for our parks...
The Parks Trust explains on its website that Coppicing is the traditional process of cutting back of certain woody plants to just above ground level.
"Lots of plants are suitable for coppicing, including laurel, hazel, dogwood, rose and willow. For various reasons, it’s been part of land management for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Traditionally it would have been undertaken to provide local communities such things as firewood, charcoal, fencing or building materials and foliage for livestock."
A spokesperson for The Parks Trust explained: "The management of our parks takes place all year round, and the winter months are the perfect time for coppicing.
"We understand it may seem odd to many that we would be cutting back the many plants that are spread across Milton Keynes’ green space, but please rest assured; it’s a key part of our land management."
You can find out more here.