Dog owners are being warned about a deadly 'flesh-eating' bug which is currently active across the UK.
'Alabama Rot' is a disease which can result in ulceration of the skin and kidney damage to dogs by damaging the lining of blood vessels in the skin and kidney.
It can affect dogs of all breeds and ages, and some dogs could develop kidney failure as a result of coming in to contact with the disease.
The disease was first detected in the UK in 2012 and warnings have been issued every year since.
It's believed to be most active between November and May.
It only affects a small number of pets each year, but the serious nature of the disease means a warning has been issued.
The easiest way to avoid the disease is by keeping your dog away from very muddy areas.
In addition, pet owners should regularly wash their dog if they are wet or muddy after walks.
Symptoms can include tiredness, disinterest in food, vomiting, diarrhoea, unexplained or concerning skin lesions, appearance of sores or ulcers and red, swollen or bruised areas with an infected appearance.
Any dog displaying the symptoms should be referred to a vet.