Surprise visit by local MP to Sands Brasserie Indian Restaurant

    Iain Stewart, MP for Milton Keynes South, made a surprise visit to one of his constituency businesses, the newly-refurbished ‘Sands Brasserie’ Indian restaurant in Woburn Sands high street.

    Accompanied by a couple of his friends, Iain was warmly welcomed by owner/chef, Sufi Miah. 

    Having operated since the mid-1990s as The Woburn Fort, Sufi explained why this extremely popular fine Indian cuisine restaurant had been re-named.

    Extensive refurbishment of the restaurant’s interior and toilet facilities had been required, so Sufi decided to re-launch it with a new name.  Following a three-week closure to carry out the extensive internal redecoration, the restaurant was back up and running by the end of September.

    Iain and his party were very impressed with the new carpets, paintwork, lighting and murals which added a contemporary touch to the decor.  They blended in very well with some of the more traditional features of an Indian restaurant.

    Sufi took time out to explain that the ownership, chef and all the great tasting dishes hadn’t changed.  The eat-in and take-way services have remained the same, but new home-delivery and external event buffet services have now been added. And, delicious new dishes have been added to the restaurant’s extensive menu with the customer having the option of choosing from a range of mild, medium and hot chilli heat dishes.  

    To mark the occasion of his visit, Sufi decided to spring a surprise on Iain by asking him formally to ‘re-launch’ the Sands Brasserie, which he did with great pleasure.

    Thanking Sufi and his team, Iain commented on the restaurant’s wonderful decor, food, service and intimate atmosphere. He particularly liked the restaurant’s logo of the local iconic memorial clock tower which features on the menu, leaflets and the front window pane. Iain wished Sufi and his staff well for the future and asked him to expect a further visit in the coming months.

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