Milton Keynes pastor tells us meaning of 'Shrove Tuesday' is more than just pancakes

    Whilst to many today is known as 'Pancake Day', it is known religiously as Shrove Tuesday. We spoke to a Milton Keynes pastor about the meaning behind the day.

    Richard Wardman is the pastor of New City Church in Monkston. He told MKFM about the history behind the occasion. 

    "The tradition of Shrove Tuesday dates from as far back as the 10th century. The name comes from the word “shriving,” which is related to the act of confessing sins and receiving absolution. In Roman Catholicism, this would take place the day before Lent begins, Ash Wednesday.

    "Because Lent was a period of fasting in preparation for Easter all edible temptations needed to be used up, including things like eggs, butter and fat. The easiest way to use them all up was to turn them into pancakes, hence Shrove Tuesday has become Pancake Day."     

    Similar to Ramadan is Islam, Lent is a 40 day period that encourages Christians to give up a delicacy or a luxury, whilst others choose to take up a new skill or challenge. 

    It runs from tomorrow (Ash Wednesday) and finishes on Easter Sunday on the 4th of April. 

    "The observance of Lent comes from the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert being tempted. For many Christians it remains an important time of abstaining from various temptations in order to cultivate self-control. In modern UK culture, some people might observe lent by giving up things like chocolate or alcohol."

    Of course, during the global pandemic it has given many of us a time to reflect on ourselves, connect with loved ones and to develop our own skillsets. Richard gave us some ideas for what could work for this year: 

    • Forty Random Acts of Kindness – challenge yourself or your family to think of fun and creative ways to bless others. Bake some brownies for your neighbours, send cards to Care Home residents, give gift vouchers to key workers etc.
    • Start a new habit – Is there something positive you want to add to your life, such as exercise or reading? You could use Lent to really get started.
    • Learn a new skill – Try your hand at painting, learn to play an instrument or a new language. There are so many free resources online!" 

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