Jodie Erica from the MKFM team returned to MK Theatre last night to see Blood Brothers and here is her full review...
I have never heard of Blood Brothers before so this was completely new to me, but I absolutely love experiencing new things with a fresh mind. I had heard that Blood Brothers was a well-known, loved, and recommended show so I was very excited to see what it was all about.
It was pretty packed out when everyone was finding their seats, so I knew from the get-go that this would be good and it seriously did not disappoint. I loved the fact that there was a narrator from start to finish, Richard Munday, he has the perfect narrator voice and it helped keep me in the loop of the story, especially since I didn't have much of a clue what it was about.
Straight into it there is lots of comedy, singing, and dancing and I instantly fell in love with the Mrs. Johnstone character and vocals, who is played by Niki Colwell Evans. Throughout the whole show, I was taken aback by her stunning vocal ranges, tone, and also the amount of emotion that shone through not only her singing but everything she did.
It's such a powerful story altogether yet each character has their own and shows each of their own. Blood Brothers seems to be set in Liverpool between the 1950s and the 1970s, it shows the hardships that poor working-class families and single parents would face in comparison to richer families, yet, it all goes much deeper than that. I felt like it still reflects a lot on the world of today, in fact, this show made me feel sadness for what people are going through in today's current climate... much has changed but also in ways not so much at all.
The play revolves around twin boys Mickey and Edward who are separated at birth and are brought up in completely different environments but in the same city. Mickey is brought up with his seven older siblings by his single-parent mother, Mrs. Johnstone, their father left her for someone else not long after she became pregnant with the twins.
Edward was brought up as the only child of a very wealthy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. Mrs. Johnstone cleaned for Mrs. Lyons and was manipulated into handing over one of her twins at birth, due to Mrs. Lyons not being able to carry one of her own. Mrs. Lyons scorns Mrs. Johnstone away and fires her, concerned that she is too motherly around her new given son, so they parted.
Mickey and Edward meet each other when they are both seven years old, unbeknown of the truth but still becoming the best of friends and soon calling each other 'blood brothers. Their bond grows strong and even when they have been torn apart from their mothers, they have reunited again in the countryside continuing their friendship.
The plot thickens and everything starts to twist, severing the brother's bond, their differences in backgrounds starts to pull them apart and eventually lead to their tragic and emotional deaths. They only just found out that they were actually brothers before they died, it really pulled the heartstrings of mine and many others as I witnessed several people torn up and teary-eyed.
It was a play full of hilarious adult comedy, fun, and emotional songs, and just brilliant arrangement, I really enjoyed it and I honestly laughed so much. The brothers were absolutely brilliant, mickey, played by Sean Jones, was common, hyperactive, and very imaginative while Edward, played by Jay Worley, was posh, innocent, and imaginative just like his brother, their bond was great to watch and just downright funny!
Even though it ended with their sad tragic deaths, and me having a mini heart attack from the sudden shooting sounds of guns that sounded very realistic, the play carries strong and powerful messages about injustice, inequality, superstition, and fate.
If you haven’t got tickets yet, you can still book now and you will not be disappointed!
Performances: 31st August, 1st 2nd, and 3rd of September
Tickets: From £13*
General bookings: 0844 871 7615*
Access bookings: 0333 009 5399
Group bookings: 0207 206 1174
Online Booking: ATGTICKETS.COM/MiltonKeynes*
*Fees may apply. Calls cost up to 7p per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge
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