Food Packet provides emergency rations where and when it’s needed for those displaced by the conflict in Ukraine.
Based in Cosgrove, Milton Keynes, Food Packet is fundraising to provide lifesaving aid for families affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
Currently, over 2 million people, with the majority being women and children, are being made homeless as a result of the events in Ukraine, Food Packet says that this number is predicted to rise to over 7 million in the coming months!
Food Packet is now fundraising in an appeal to provide emergency rations where and when it’s needed for those displaced.
A spokesperson for Food Packet said: "It’s heart-breaking to see the images of people losing everything they own and not knowing when or where their next meal will come from!
"Whilst we don’t have all the answers, we do believe that feeding these people is everybody’s moral obligation, which I am sure is supported whole heartedly by everyone in the UK."
You can contact Food Packet on 01908 787434 or admin@foodpacket.org.
To find out more about Food Packet, head over to their website here.