Local college students and staff prepare for day of community action in Milton Keynes

    Over 300 learners and staff from Milton Keynes College Group will be volunteering for more than 25 projects across the city.

    The initiative is all part of the college group’s fairer futures strategy and aims to support local communities at a very challenging time for many individuals, charities, and community groups.

    Some of the fantastic projects happening on the day include:

    • Sorting and delivering items donated by staff and students to MK Foodbank, St Mark’s Meals, MK Act, and the Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter
    • Hosting a free lunch at MK College’s Brasserie restaurant for older residents from the Water Eaton area of the city
    • Providing free haircuts and manicures at Milton Keynes University Hospital and Milton Keynes YMCA
    • Litter picking in areas including Great Linford and Woughton
    • Writing and sending over 100 ‘postcards of kindness’ to local care home residents
    • Designing avatars for the mascots of MK Snap and Willen Hospice

    Rebecca Myrie, Community Engagement Manager at Milton Keynes college group, said: “We’re very excited about our first 'college in the community day'. This came about from our staff and students wanting to support their local communities and we’ve been delighted with the response.

    “This is a very challenging time for Milton Keynes communities, with issues such as food poverty, homelessness, loneliness, and isolation which is having a huge impact on so many people, as well as the challenges faced by charities and community groups as a result of these.

    We’re so proud of how our staff and students have stepped up.

    We can’t wait to support our communities on the day and are already looking for other ways we can support Milton Keynes communities beyond the day itself.”

    For more information, please contact Rachael Wheatley, rachael.wheatley@mkcollege.ac.uk

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