Maya CARE, a charitable organization is distributing masks free of charge to key workers across the UK who have continued to work and face the public through lockdown, despite the danger of exposure.
This includes persons in security, airport staff, medical/pharmacy personnel, milk/grocery deliveries, supermarket staff, schools or anyone else who is working.
Maya CARE has provided over 10,000 free visits to over 1500 senior citizens over the past 11 years offering medical assistance, emotional/intellectual support and convenience, addressing the growing problem of mental health. During the pandemic, they have offered socially-distanced/outside-the window chats as well as phone companionship.
It is the only free service of its kind available in Milton Keynes, Cambridge, Manchester and London, as well as 15 Indian cities. The administrative backbone of Maya CARE comprises of 70 people with disability (including visual, hearing and locomotive challenges), who are being mentored and trained to take on long term roles in Maya CARE and have found a source of livelihood through Maya CARE.
To volunteer, donate, champion, the cause or seek an internship, please email service@mayacare.org or call 07835347697, 07768941251.
More on www.mayacare.co.uk