5 things to stay motivated

    Every single one us has goals and dreams that we want to achieve. Motivation to achieve these goals is extremely significant to keep us pursuing and achieving these goals.

    Without motivation hard work seems an impossible and tiresome task, hence making the goal hard and impossible to achieve.

    Staying motivated can be extremely difficult especially if you face failures along the way. Plus, a lack of support from your loved ones can also make a lot of difference.

    Check out some great quotes here that can help you motivate your brothers or other loved ones.  We have also highlighted five ways to say motivated:

    Break Your Goal Down Into Smaller Goals

    Having a big goal can often seem overwhelming and difficult to accomplish. For example, getting your dream car can be a difficult goal, especially if you do not make a very good amount of money.

    Brian Tracy came up with the concept of chunking. Chunking can help break a bigger goal into smaller goals that seems achievable. These smaller goals can seem less stressing and achievable, hence keep you motivated towards moving on with your goal.

    You can implement chunking to achieve your goals. For example, if you wish to purchase a vehicle that costs $30,000, you can break it into a 5-year program with small milestones.

    Your goals can be something like:

    • Save 6,000$ each year
    • Save 500$ each month
    • Work extra hours at work
    • Cut down your expenses to at least save 20$ everyday

    When you look at it, saving $20 everyday can give you $30,000 in 5 years. This is obviously easier than saving $30,000 at once.

    Don’t Lose Sight of Your Goal

    Every time you achieve a goal or hit a milestone, temptation to take a break, and relax is a common occurrence. Sometimes however, this temptation can cause people to lose their motivation.

    You need to take breaks but with a goal. For example, if you want to go on a holiday make sure to plan to come back to work just as you return. It will not let you lose sight of your goal and keep you glued to what you want to achieve.

    This is obviously easier said than done.

    Apply the 5 Second Technique

    Mel Robinson came up with the 5 second rule. According to this rule, if you have an idea, countdown from 5-1 and then just act on it. Attaching a physical action with an idea cant motivate you to pursue it.

    For example if you watch a fitness model and want to have a chiseled body, waste no time. Countdown from 5 to 1 and head straight to the gym to train.

    Don’t plan it for tomorrow. You’re excited about the idea now so you should act on it right there and then.

    Use Music

    Music can have a significant impact on your mood. We all have that one particular song that pumps us up.

    Whether it’s the lyrics or the beat, you can use songs to get motivated. Believe it or not, songs can have such an impact on our mind.

    Music can help you get in the right mindset to work out in the gym and stay motivated. So go ahead and compile a list to stay motivated.

    Pursue One Goal at a time

    Pursuing too many goals at a time can be extremely difficult and result in decreased motivation.

    Consider pursuing smaller and easier goals first. This will give you the excitement of achieving a milestone, and make you motivated towards working harder and pursuing more goals. Nothing pushes people to do better than success.

    It’s important to understand that motivation and commitment come from within you. Tap into that inner self and just start working towards your goals.

    If you ever feel like you’re losing motivation, talk to someone about it and remember why you started in the first place.

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