WW2 generation shares their tips to help the young through lockdown

    Photo: Getty

    SpareRoom has launched a collection of morale-boosting tips for younger generations, written entirely by people who lived through the Second World War.

    In the last few weeks, 100-year-old Colonel Tom Moore has brought hope to the nation, one step at a time. With the UN Secretary General describing the current coronavirus crisis as the biggest challenge the world has faced since the Second World War, Colonel Tom’s generation is arguably the only one that can navigate the social and economic upheaval of coronavirus with some kind of similar experience to fall back on.

    Flatsharing site SpareRoom has today (6/5) launched a collection of lockdown coping tips for younger people, written entirely by those that lived through WW2, in the hope it will bring comfort and context to all of us, as we navigate lockdown and the extended social distancing that will follow.

    • “Flatmates living together today need to become like a family. During the Blitz we had to look out for one another, from making sure everyone was eating enough to coping with the constant fear of bombing and the confinement at home and in air raid shelters. The rationing of food was a big issue; bread and eggs were scarce, much like how certain items might not be as readily available in shops now. But as long as we look after each other, like a family, we’ll get through this.” – Colin, 90


    • “Young people today just need to keep focussing on the days ahead as this pandemic will not last forever. It is only here with us for a fraction of our lives. Make the most of being with or speaking with loved ones and cherish them. When things get tough go for a walk and listen to nature as the world is still there for our enjoyment. After the second World War, our country was bankrupt, but everyone pulled together...  Young people can make Britain great again as I believe they have the enthusiasm and knowledge to do so.  Have hope for better days ahead as they are just around the corner.” – Ilene, 82


    • “I was a child in France during the war, but afterwards as a young man I caught tuberculosis. At that time TB was very difficult to treat and so I ended up in a sanitarium away from my family and friends for a year. Despite the physical effects of the disease and the mental effects of my confinement I was determined to stay active in some way. Studying during this time also kept me busy and kept my mind active. Something else I found very helpful was having a daily rhythm or schedule that I could stick to – and I would very much recommend this to young people going through lockdown today.” – Jacques, 83

    Find out more by downloading the free booklet full of other tips here.

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