“We moved here for peace and quiet” says Milton Keynes community hall opponent

    Councillors have unanimously batted off claims that a new community hall in Milton Keynes would harm the tranquil lifestyle of older people.

    Objectors wanted to put a halt to plans to build a new community hall and sports changing rooms at the Great Linford Sports Pavilion and made their feelings known yesterday (Thursday).

    “The average age of these residents is over 70,” said Steve Dent, referring to the residents of streets neighbouring the site in Marsh Drive.

    “They moved here for peace, calm and tranquillity in their old age.”

    The neighbours had mobilised four years earlier to successfully put a stop to plans for a Portakabin to be used for children’s war games.

    Now they were were speaking out against “another ludicrous proposal” and claimed there had been no consultation with the residents.

    Mr Dent said there were already enough sports facilities in the area.

    But Cllr Martin Petchey (Lab, Stantonbury) was so in favour of the proposal that he gave up his vote at Thursday’s development control committee to speak in favour.

    “Great Linford Parish Council is doing precisely what parish councils should be doing,” he said.

    He was supported by his ward opponent Cllr Alex Walker (Cons, Stantonbury) who said the council had taken its time to engage with the public.

    Cllr Walker, who had coached at Great Linford Football Club, fully supported the move. He did not have a vote at Thursday’s meeting.

    Andrew Morphet, of Great Linford Parish Council, said the site was 40 metres awayfrom any house and the proposal does not include a cafe or a bar.

    Members of the committee spoke in support of the plan, with Rex Exon (Lib Dem, Bradwell) saying: “It’s going to be positive and constructive for Great Linford.”

    Councillors voted unanimously by ten votes to nil to grant permission.

    Cllr Petchey was not able to vote because he had pre-determined his opinion.

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