Volunteers needed for scouts groups across Milton Keynes following rise in demand for spaces

    Scout Groups across Buckinghamshire are looking for adults to volunteer.

    It follows a massive rise in demand from children, young people and teenagers wanting to join.

    Nigel Taylor, lead volunteer for communications said, “We are looking for volunteers to work with people under the age of 18, and we are also looking for adults to support Groups in other ways, for example looking after the finances or the headquarters.”

    He added, “If we can recruit some adults to help run Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers then we can take lots of those young people off our waiting list and we can provide great opportunities for them and to learn numerous skills. Whatever time people want to give, we would be able to find them a role.”

    Adult volunteer Lucy said, “Volunteering with Scouts has been so positive for me. It’s given me the opportunity to work with children and adults and this has built my confidence.

    "I used my experience of working with Beavers (boys and girls aged 6 to 8) to get a job working in a Forest School. I’ve also made lots of friends and developed my organisational skills.”

    Nigel added, “We will provide you with lots of opportunities to have fun yourselves; whether this is visiting the local fire station, having a bird of prey sit on your arm, getting a permit to steer a narrowboat or taking Explorer Scouts to a World Scout Jamboree.”

    If you would like to know more about volunteering, click here.

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