Volunteering Matters invites you to attend “Beyond the Horizon” this October

    National charity Volunteering Matters invites you to attend “Beyond the Horizon” at The Sky Room, MK Gallery, on Thursday 14th October, 6-8pm, to celebrate the partnerships formed to support young people in Milton Keynes.

    Volunteering Matters calls businesses, enterprises, voluntary, community, statutory and public sector organisations, and individuals, to celebrate the part they have played in our growth in the Milton Keynes community and to help us shape the future of our place.  

    Kelly Israel,  from Volunteering Matters said, “The last three years in Milton Keynes has seen countless businesses, public, statutory, voluntary and community organisations, alongside individuals contribute to the life changing impact, enabled through our award-winning Grandmentors project, supporting care experienced young people to transition to independent living.  There is much to reflect upon, to be grateful for and to build upon.   

    The pandemic has had a significant impact on our work.  It includes the positive the launch of another youth focussed project, Stepping Stones, in partnership with the BLMK Clinical Commissioning Group and Service Six, providing bespoke pre- and post-discharge support to young people moving from long-term inpatient mental health setting back into our Milton Keynes community.  More recently, our partnership with the Canal and River Trust, through the adoption of a stretch of the Grand Union Canal and their pledge to the #iWill Power of Youth Charter, sees more opportunity to enable skills development, reduction in social isolation and loneliness, skills development, enhancing mental and physical health and enabling young people to lead change through the partnership, and work on the ground in Cosgrove.  The pandemic has also seen negative impact on our work, including significant restrictions on how and where we can work and not least, to our funding which is critical to ensuring long lasting impactful change in our communities. 

    The event offers attendees the chance to hear the voices of young people who have benefited from our work, our amazing volunteers, the Milton Keynes Team, and to network with our wider organisation and the diverse communities of Milton Keynes. 

    Collaboration across sectors has never been more important as communities look to recover from the impact of the pandemic.

    The event, hosted by MK Gallery in the spectacular Sky Rooms promises to be insightful, thought provoking and emotive.  Do, please, register your interest and we look forward to welcoming you to the event.”

    To register your attendance at the event please visit Eventbrite here or to find out more please email miltonkeynes@volunteeringmatters.org.uk 01908 670309.

    Volunteering Matters currently delivers a wide range of work in Milton Keynes including Grandmentors, a mentoring projects for young care leavers, MK Drivers Service helping isolated people get to vital medical appointments, Covid-19 vaccinations, transporting children to school and undertaking errands and prescription collections and Stepping Stones - a new project that will see 100 children and young people supported in transitioning from long-term inpatient mental health settings back into the community and finally RSVP – our Volunteer-led nation family of projects for those aged 50 and above delivering the Pen and Brush and Grief and Well-being Online Café in MK. 

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