Twenty children and adults from a Milton Keynes nursery test positive for coronavirus

    There has been a coronavirus outbreak at Acorn Day Nursery in Westcroft causing twenty people to test positive for COVID-19.

    Last week, MKFM was contacted by a concerned parent who stated that one child at Acorn Nursery had tested positive for the virus. Due to the low risk of transmission, as the affected child was in a separate 'bubble', there was no need for her child to self-isolate.

    Days later, the virus appeared in her child's bubble which subsequently resulted in her child testing positive.

    It has since been revealed that twenty people including children, nursery staff and family members have tested positive for COVID-19.

    The nursery has since dealt with the outbreak and has been working closely alongside Milton Keynes Council and Public Health England.

    A spokesperson for the nursery told the MK Citizen: "We can confirm that there have been positive cases of Covid-19 in our nursery at Westcroft, Milton Keynes. We would like to reassure everyone that this is contained to individual bubbles in one nursery and we have been working closely with Public Health England (PHE) and Milton Keynes Council throughout."

    They added: "The bubbles exposed to the confirmed cases are self-isolating and PHE have confirmed that there are no public health concerns in relation to the controls in place at the nursery as they are adhering to government guidelines.

    "PHE are now offering COVID-19 testing to all staff, children and households to provide peace of mind to the families affected, but also to help PHE understand more about the spread of the infection in early years settings.

    "We have been working hard to directly speak to each family affected by this and support them with their individual queries and needs. The nursery remains open to bubbles not exposed to confirmed cases and the health, safety and wellbeing of our children and staff remains our top priority."

    Milton Keynes Director of Public Health, Muriel Scott, has said people must continue to "remain vigilant" about the spread of the virus. She continued: "As lockdown lifts we’ve all got to do our part, which means remaining distant, regular hand washing, staying at home and seeking a test if you have symptoms of the virus, and following all the latest Government guidance. 

    "We’ve seen an outbreak in Milton Keynes in a setting where all sensible precautions were being followed. Covid-19 will take every opportunity it can to spread, it won’t be taking a break so please stay alert and stay safe.”

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