Thursday's Coronavirus Update: Infection rate in Milton Keynes rises for the first time in weeks

The infection rate has risen for the first time in weeks, as a further 54 cases and three deaths were reported today (18/2).

The latest update brings the total number of people tested positive in Milton Keynes since the start of the pandemic to 18,658 - of which 372 were in the past seven days.

The 7-day case rate in Milton Keynes has risen for the first time in over a month, going from 128.8 cases per 100,000 people yesterday to 135.8 cases per 100,000 people today.

It means that Milton Keynes' infection rate is just slightly higher than the national average of 131.8.

Nationally, there were an additional 12,057 people tested positive today with 454 deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

Three of these deaths took place in Milton Keynes taking the city's total COVID-linked death toll to 433 since the start of the pandemic. 

MKFM has now changed the way we report COVID-linked deaths. There are three ways that deaths are recorded, and we previously used the official NHS data just covering deaths in hospitals. 

These deaths were announced by the NHS days after the deaths occurred, and only included those in a hospital setting.

That is why we have decided from Monday 1st February 2020 to now report on deaths from Government data which includes virus-linked deaths in all settings (hospitals, care homes, and private residences). 

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