A few small changes to the lockdown restriction come into effect tomorrow, including the re-opening of schools.
A number of small changes to the lockdown restrictions will come into effect tomorrow as part of the Government's roadmap out of lockdown.
While the Prime Minister has always been clear that the dates could change depending on a number of factors, including case numbers and vaccine uptake, the first step of the plan will come into effect tomorrow.
Friday's daily number of cases was the lowest it has been national since last September at 6,685.
From tomorrow, schools and colleges will re-open for face to face teaching for the first time since before the Christmas break.
But wrap around care, such as breakfast and after school clubs will be allowed to re-open for parents to attend or look for work and education, or attend medical appointments.
Universities will now also be allowed on-campus teaching for more practical courses.
One of the biggest changes to the restrictions is the allowance of one regular visitor to people living in care homes, as long as they wear PPE and have regular testing.
This will be a welcome change to many families who have been unable to see their relatives in care homes.
There is also a change on outdoor restrictions, while the message will remain to stay at home, people will be able to leave their house for recreational purposes with one person from another household.
This means that you can meet a friend, support bubble, or your own household, for a socially distanced coffee or picnic.