The Agora Centre to be demolished as part of Wolverton regeneration

    Multi-million pound investment in the regeneration of Wolverton Town Centre has been given the green light.

    Planning approval has been granted on August 5th for the ‘Love Wolverton’ project which will bring new homes, community space, independent shops, green space and jobs into Wolverton, bolstering Wolverton’s High Street and offering a sustainable way of living.

    Now that planning approval has been granted, the Council is set to press ahead with long anticipated next steps including the demolition of the now shuttered 1970s-built Agora Shopping Centre which is earmarked for a January start to avoid disruption to Christmas trade.

    The 'Final' decision came down to the casting vote of the Chair of the Committee, despite concerns raised about the parking issues posed.

    Over the next four years, TOWN and Trivselhus will be transforming and regenerating this important part of Wolverton, working with a design team led by award-winning architects Mole and Mikhail Riches.

    Wolverton ward Councillor and Labour Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Budget and Resources, Rob Middleton said: “I’m delighted that the Planning Committee has given their seal of approval to Wolverton High Street Regeneration.

    "This was the final box we needed to tick, and we can now move forward with next steps including the demolition of the now shuttered Agora. This £35m regeneration will breathe new life into Wolverton’s high street which has been struggling like so many others over recent years.”

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