Supermarket near to Milton Keynes has reportedly been broken into AGAIN

    Residents are claiming that Sainsbury's in Olney has been broken into again, meaning that this would be the second incident to take place in the past month.

    People have taken to a Facebook community group to report that the local supermarket was broken into last night, with a window reportedly being smashed.

    It has been claimed that this smashed window is next to the entrance that thieves used to gain entrance to the supermarket just last month.

    On 9th March, the local supermarket was broken into and cigarettes were stolen.

    It has not yet been confirmed whether another theft/attempted theft has taken place, but the General Manager has since issued a statement to residents and promises to provide an update later on today. "Apologies," the message began, "But Sainsbury's in Olney will not be open this morning. We are hoping to be back open from this afternoon."

    "Sorry, but this is something out of our control and we are trying our best to get back open ASAP as I know how important your essential shopping trips to us are at the moment. Thanks for your patience." 



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