Summer of Play could make a return in Milton Keynes this year

    The Progressive Alliance has today announced plans to launch the Summer of Play in 2022.

    In August 2020, the first Summer of Play created over 30,000 activity sessions and served 28,000 healthy, nutritious meals. This year, Labour and Lib Dem Cabinet Members are now calling for another programme, which would offer safe and engaging activities to all children and young people across the borough.

    Councillor Zoe Nolan, Labour Progressive Alliance Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: “The Summer of Play is a fun way to connect children through activities such as cookery, film-making, football, and laser tag. It is important for children to socialise throughout the summer holidays no matter their age, and that’s why we will provide sessions from children as young as one all the way up to 18-years-old. Last year’s Summer of Play was a great success, and I hope we can look forward to it again this year.”

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