It has been confirmed that businesses in Milton Keynes will receive more than £5.3 million of new support over lockdown.
Milton Keynes Council has received the money from the Government's Coronavirus Additional Restrictions Grant which can be used to support businesses forced to close by the lockdown or businesses which have remained open but are struggling.
The Government has invested millions of pounds in Milton Keynes over the last month, with £4.5m to provide long-term housing for rough sleepers, £722,000 to support vulnerable children and families with food and bills and £5m of unringfenced money for the Council to best protect public health, local vulnerable people and the running of vital services.
Ben Everitt, the MP for Milton Keynes North, said: “The Government continues to offer vital financial support to Milton Keynes. From the £722k to help vulnerable families and children to the £4.5m to get rough sleepers off the streets and now this business support.
“We know these are extremely tough times for everybody and we have to do everything we can to help local people so I urge businesses who need the support to get in touch with the council.”
Iain Stewart, the MP for Milton Keynes South, added: "Milton Keynes has greatly benefitted from the Government's support throughout the coronavirus pandemic, from the furlough scheme to grants for businesses amongst other financial packages.
"I am glad that MK Council will receive over £5m through the Coronavirus Additional Restrictions Grant to support businesses in our community."
This new funding will take Government support for Milton Keynes businesses during the pandemic past the £265 million mark.
© MKFM News 2020