Recently published statistics show that Olney supposedly has a higher rolling rate of cases in the population compared to former covid hotspot Liverpool.
In this week's data published by Public Health England, in the seven days leading to 5th November, cases in Olney and Lavendon are 'above average' in comparison to the rest of the country.
Residents saw the area have a rolling rate of 480.1 positive cases per 100,000 people, which at first glance is incredibly high.
Milton Keynes has, on average, 130 positive cases per 100,000 people. So looking at this, and without further analysing the data, it would appear that the smaller villages on the outskirts of the city are suffering from a major spike in cases.
But when you actually look at the true number of positives - and not just the population comparison - Olney and Lavendon only have 35 total cases of the virus. And that is in one week.
Around 8,800 people live in Olney, and around 1,300 in Lavendon, so without factoring in other houses in the surrounding areas there is a population of around 10,100 (approx).
With such a small population, 35 positive cases does appear rather high but certainly isn't the number of cases that Liverpool is seeing each day.
Yes, the rolling rate may be higher than Liverpool when looking at total population. But Liverpool saw 165 positive cases just yesterday alone.
It is important to remember this when looking at statistics, as they may not be fully representative of the situation itself.
You can view the current number of cases in each area on the Government's website here.