Start your journey to adoption this National Adoption Week

    If you are interested in adoption, now could be the perfect time to start your adoption journey. National Adoption Week runs until Sunday 27 October.

    During the week, Buckinghamshire Council’s adoption team will be sharing stories and information on adoption and encouraging those who may be thinking about it to get in touch.

    The theme of this year’s national awareness week is ‘The Journey’ and highlights that the journey to a family is not always traditional. Anita Cranmer, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Education explained: “As we know, families today come in all shapes and sizes. They include single parents, blended and extended families. Adoptive families are part of this same modern mix.”

    National figures show that the number of people coming forward to adopt is falling. The latest data shows there has been a 22 per cent increase in the number of children ready for adoption but not yet matched with an adoptive family in England in 2023-4, compared to the previous year. With fewer potential adopters coming forward, believed to largely be a result of the cost-of-living crisis, this means that nearly half (47 per cent) of all children face delays of over 18 months to move in with an adoptive family.

    Anita continued: “The most important thing for an adopted child is to feel loved and secure, with parents able to understand their needs and we know that there are people in Buckinghamshire right now who are able to provide that love and security. We want these people to know that they will not be alone, there will be a whole community of support around them throughout their adoption journey, they just need to take that first step and get in touch with us.”

    Caroline and Nate, one couple who adopted elsewhere and then moved to Buckinghamshire, talked about their experience: “When we moved to Buckinghamshire, we got in touch with the council’s post-adoption support and we have had exceptional care ever since.In the three years prior to moving to Bucks, since we adopted our daughter, we really found things quite challenging. The system around adoption is different in every local authority you're in. Coming to Bucks has been an absolute blessing to us.

    “Our daughter has had new assessments done and new support given. This has been done through formal support and the adoption team. We also have check-ins and one-off sessions for our daughter during school that have been helpful when we've encountered tricky life situations.”

    One of the best ways to find out if you could adopt is by completing the simple, online Adoption Ready tool:

    Alternatively join one of the information sessions run by the adoption team. The next session takes place on Tuesday 5 November from 6-7.30pm: Book an information event | Buckinghamshire Adoption Service (

    To find out more about adopting in Buckinghamshire visit the website:

    Or contact the team:

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