Starbucks submits plans for drive-thru in Milton Keynes town

    Olney could soon have a Starbucks drive-thru as plans have been submitted to the local authority.

    The plans would see the site built on a plot next to the proposed new Aldi supermarket and opposite Sainsbury's, just up the road from where Costa had previously submitted plans for a drive-thru.

    The Costa plans were withdrawn last month after receiving pushback from local residents, with some concerned with the volume of traffic entering and exiting Osier Way, making it “even more of a nightmare”.

    On 20th December 2018 the Council granted planning permission for the development of land off Warrington Road for a mix of commercial uses.

    The submitted Starbucks plans, by Montagu Evans, seek permission for the "erection of Drive-Thru Coffee Shop with 27 car spaces, including 8 High-Speed Electric Vehicle Charging Points, and associated works."

    Plans say: "The proposed building will be of single storey height and extend to 171 sqm (GIA).

    "It will have a high-quality contemporary design to meet the operational needs of Starbucks in a form that is attractive to the public and well related to the emerging character of the wider Site. It is designed to meet all relevant local sustainability criteria."


    MKFM has contacted Starbucks for more information.

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