Stantonbury Parish Council installs four life-saving defibrillators in Milton Keynes

A local Parish Council has announced that 4 life-saving defibrillators have been installed across the Parish.

Stantonbury Parish Council has recently installed a total of 4 potentially life-saving defibrillators across the Parish.

The defibrillators were purchased by the Parish Council jointly working with Milton Keynes City Council and with the help of a contribution from Developer S106 funds received as part of the development of Stantonbury Park.

The defibrillators are now fully live and registered on the National Defibrillator Network and can be found at:

  • Roman Park Residents Club
  • The Community Hub
  • Bancroft Meeting Place
  • Wood End Infant and Primary School

Access is available via the Emergency Ambulance Service by calling 999 or 112. 

"We’d like to include a special mention to local resident John Evans who wrote to us with the original request for a defibrillator to be sited in Bancroft. Cllr Judy Kite, Bancroft Councillor, then brought the matter to the attention of the council," a spokesperson for Stantonbury Parish Council said.

Cllr Sandra Kennedy, Stantonbury and Linford Wood Councillor, stated that “the defibrillators are a wonderful idea, and will hopefully save lives”.

Parish Rangers will be monitoring and maintaining the defibrillators on a monthly basis, the Parish Council says.

Ward Councillor Naseem Khan said: “Thank you Stantonbury Parish Council for the wonderful installation of the Defibs in 4 different Locations. On Saturday I went around and identified the defibs which are easily accessible and an amazing project to help save lives.

"So proud to be a Ward Councillor and have this wonderful opportunity to work with Stantonbury Council.”

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