Hannah Burgess is due to do a skydive to raise funds for a charity very close to her heart.
MKFM spoke to Hannah ahead of her sky dive on Thursday where she is hoping to raise enough funds to be able to Name a Puppy through the Guide Dogs scheme.
"My name is Hannah. I am a blind content creator from MK. I am currently fundraising to name a guide dog puppy in memory of my third guide dog Eddie who I lost suddenly last year. She passed following some anaesthetic related complications after a surgery.
On Thursday I am doing a skydive to increase the funds I have raised in what has almost been a year. As I mentioned I am blind and have been all my life. I was born with a condition called Albinism and I now have other eye conditions on top of Albinism, that effect me day to day, I have been a guide dog owner since the age of 13 and am now very happily working with my guide dog Morris and have one of my retired guide dogs Hetty. Hetty was my guide dog for 8 years and retired over the pandemic. As you can imagine the charity is very special to me and I owe them so much. The cost of a guide dog is very high and I have been lucky enough to benefit from these amazing dogs for so long.
Eddie was a sponsored guide dog herself, meaning that in this case a family raised enough money to be able to name a guide dog puppy, in their case it was after their grandmother. When I lost Eddie it felt so right to sponsor another puppy with her name. The name Eddie meant so much to that family and when I was matched with her, the name had even more meaning. It feels so right to honour her and hope that another dog might get to finish the hard work she didn't get the time to complete.
A skydive is the grand gesture she would have hoped for because golden retrievers are absolute divas but after all she did for me in the short time we had together, it's the least I can do".
As a member of Carers Trust, Carers MK has a long-standing commitment to supporting all family carers and has delivered vital services in Milton Keynes for almost 20 years.