Online shoppers have shared their disappointment as Tesco supermarkets have been selling swedes that are apparently 'the size of a small apple'
An MKFM listener contacted us to share that the swede they purchased for 80p from Tesco's online shop was too far "too small" to feed their family of two, even before it had been peeled.
And upon closer inspection, this opinion has been reflected by hundreds of other disgruntled shoppers that have branded the offering a "rip off".
The swede has been given 1.6 stars out of 176 reviews online.
One person who submitted a review said: "Sad to say this was so tiny - not even the size of my mug for tea - and I have a photograph to prove it. By the time I peel it - not even enough for one person. This was sent to me on delivery and not picked by me. Very Much appreciate the sterling work that all the staff do - but not happy with this poor offering this time around."
Another added: "The swede was so small, no bigger than an eating apple, not big enough for 2 people once peeled. I don't feel I should give it any stars but they give you no choice."
The last negative review was published today before the small swedes were taken off of the virtual Tesco shelves.
They are no longer available and it is not yet known whether they will be coming back.