Security presence at intu does not relate to 'specific threat' at the centre

    intu Milton Keynes have told MKFM that the presence of armed police at the centre is not in relation to a 'specific threat' at the Shopping Centre.

    The Shopping Centre say that the increase in security presence is simply a precautionary measure and is part of their critical security procedures.

    MKFM listeners have reported seeing armed police in the shopping centre, as well as areas including the horseshoe drop-off zone being closed.

    The heightened security presence is in response to the UK terror threat level being raised to Critical by Prime Minister Theresa May.

    The new threat level means that a further terrorist attack could be imminent. It was announced on Tuesday evening, following the Manchester Arena terror attack on Monday.

    Thames Valley Police have released a statement saying that there is no intelligence to suggest a specific threat to the Thames Valley.

    Deputy Chief Constable John Campbell said: “I would like to reassure you that the move to critical is something that we prepare for. We will continually review our deployments and take all possible steps to keep people safe within Milton Keynes."

    “At this time we need everyone to remain alert but not alarmed.  We need your help to help us protect our communities and disrupt those who seek to harm us. I would urge you to contact the police straight away if you believe that someone is acting suspiciously."

    “Our officers and staff will continue to provide a visible presence in our communities and we have the specialist resources in place to respond in an emergency.”

    Meanwhile, around 200 people gathered at the MK Rose on Tuesday evening to remember the 22 people who lost their lives in the Manchester attack on Monday evening.

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