Schoolchildren invited to design a poster for Armed Forces Day

    Children in Milton Keynes are being given the opportunity to take part in a poster competition for this year’s Armed Forces Day.

    Together with HM Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, both MK Council and Bucks County Council are inviting youngsters to design a poster that shows how proud we are of our Armed Forces community.

    The competition is open to all primary school aged children and the winning design will feature on the front of the programme for the Armed Forces Day event which takes place at Aylesbury Rugby Club on Saturday 17 June. 

    Entries can be as colourful and creative as possible and ideally unique to Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire in some way. They also need to be size A4 portrait and must contain the wording/title: Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Armed Forces Day 2017.

    The closing date for entries is Friday 3 March. All entries must include the pupil’s name, age and school on the back of the poster. If you don’t attend a school in Buckinghamshire or Milton Keynes, please also include a home address and contact phone number on the back of the poster.

    Sir Henry said: “This competition gives children a unique opportunity to show their support for the armed forces and also showcase their artistic talents. We want as many children as possible to take part and I for one am really excited to see what they come up with.”

    The winning entry will be decided by a judging panel and used as part of the advertising campaign in schools across Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes and in the 2017 event programme. The winner will also be granted a VIP family ticket to the event on 17 June which will include live music, entertainment and aerial displays.

    Buckinghamshire County Councillor and Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Zahir Mohammed said: “It is important that people are aware of the Armed Forces and I hope this competition will inspire children to find out more.”

    Councillor Zoe Nolan, lead member for children and families in Milton Keynes Council said  "I hope primary school children will get involved in this competition. It is a chance for them to thank the Armed Forces whilst showcasing their artistic talents."

    Please send your entries to: Armed Forces Day Poster Competition, Civic and Ceremonial Services Team, Judges Lodgings, Buckinghamshire County Council, County Hall, Walton Street, Aylesbury HP21 1UA.

    More information on the poster competition and Armed Forces Day itself can be found on the Buckinghamshire County Council website:

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