The RSPCA is making a heart-felt plea to find a new home for Butch - who has only ever known life in a kennel.
Three year-old Butch, a fell terrier, came into RSPCA care in March 2022 after he was part of an investigation by inspectors who found him living in awful conditions and had only known life in a kennel.
It has meant he has found the world quite frightening, especially being indoors and new environments - but staff at the Blackberry Farm Animal Centre in Aylesbury have been working hard to build his confidence.
Julie Allen, centre manager said: “Butch has the sweetest little face and it broke our heart to see how frightened of the world he was - because of his past experiences - while we can’t talk much about his history he has indeed had a really hard start to his life.
“Having only known life in an outside kennel - he found being indoors - confusing and frightening and we had to spend so much time reassuring him that he was safe and could trust us.
“What is lovely to see is that toys really bring Butch out of his shell and it's so heart-warming to see him play with them and be the dog he always should have been.
“He also loves to have a wander with all the different smells and is independent when out walking and he has starting to relax in indoor areas around the site and in a home.”
Butch is looking for a home where adopters have previous experience with nervous dogs and know how to read dog body language.
Butch can be a little unsure of new people but has bonded with regular handlers and will now seek out a fuss.
He also frequently spends a short amount of time in a staff member's home and has slowly started to show signs of being relaxed in the environment.
Butch can become stressed with noises, so he must live in a quiet semi-rural location where he can be away from busy traffic and relax on walks.
He loves to walk around with his friends as he benefits a lot from following what they are doing. Due to how much Butch relies on another dog, the centre is looking for a home with a female dog that can become his new friend and bring his confidence up.
As well as this, he will need a home that is adults only (16+ years) and with no other pets (other than the dog) due to his background.
Butch would bring so much love and a rewarding feeling to someone who can be patient with him to adjust.
If you think you fulfill the criteria you have just read and Butch could be the perfect new addition to your home then please email in an application form to blackberryfarm@rspca.org.uk