Developer wants to build three storey retirement complex in Newport Pagnell - here's how you can have your say

    Photo: McCarthy & Stone

    A developer has pitched its plans to build a three storey retirement complex in Newport Pagnell.

    The complex would be built on Northampton Road (see picture below) and would be home to 34 retirement living apartments, say the potential developers McCarthy & Stone. 

    In the plans, they also state the mix of one and two-bedroom apartments would be for private sale exclusively for people aged 60 and over. The development would see 32 new parking spaces be built on-site, which they say is sufficient for the anticipated numbers, alongside building communal facilities and "attractive high-quality landscaping and boundary treatments across the site".

    The developers say this proposal is in response to the current rapid ageing population, with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) predicting that by 2033 there will be an additional 3.5 million older households in England alone.

    This reflects a 60% increase on today, say the developers, yet less than 3% of current housing in the UK reflects the needs of older people.

    McCarthy & Stone, who are the UK's leading developer and manager of retirement communities, has shown interest in the site but is first turning to the community for comments before lodging an official planning application with Milton Keynes Council. 

    And so a virtual community consultation programme has been launched to share the proposals. The exhibition is available online until next Friday (9/10) and there will also be a virtual live chat session where the company will answer questions on the scheme.

    The next virtual chat session is on Thursday (1/10) between 4pm and 7pm. 

    Those who wish to view the proposals can do so by clicking here. You can also access the virtual exhibition and have your say by clicking here


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