Red Bull Racing is creating a new 114 space car park as part of a new technology campus in Tillbrook that already has planning permission.
The car park has been climate change-proofed to make sure it does not contribute to flooding even if there is a storm of biblical proportions.
But there are a number of conditions that have to be met, including drainage, so that even if a once in a century storm happens, the water from the car park does not flow off and flood the local area.
“The drainage network has been designed to accommodate the surface water run-off generated by a critical storm from a 1 in 100-year return period,” says a report from consultants Bristol-based Ridge and Partners. “An additional allowance for climate change has been added which equates to an additional 40 per cent.”
They add tha: “Even with the potential for climate change, properties will not be at risk of fluvial flooding.”
They say there is an “unquantifiable residual risk” that an even more epic storm could happen. But even if that happens “the finished site levels will be designed to ensure that there is no risk of floodwaters ponding to any significant depth.” The water would flow to open spaces, they say.
Milton Keynes Council planning officers have been asked to consider whether planning conditions have been met.
Ridge and Partners conclude: “Due to the positive outcome of these assessments we see no reason why the site should not continue through the planning process and be approved for development in terms of flood risk and surface water drainage.”