Victims First is working with Thames Valley Police to reassure people who have been a victim of a sexual offence during the pandemic to come forward and seek support.
Some Rape Crisis centres across the Thames Valley have reported that they have seen a decrease in people seeking support following sexual offences for fear of repercussions around not complying with Covid-19 restrictions.
Detective Superintendent Rebecca Mears, Head of Protecting Vulnerable People, from Thames Valley Police says, "Our priority first and foremost is to protect people. Whatever the circumstances are surrounding a sexual assault taking place, we urge victims to come forward and seek the necessary support and if possible, report the offence to us so that we can take action and protect other. Please do not be concerned."
For anyone needing support following a rape or sexual assault, please contact Victims First on 0300 1234 148 or online at http://orlo.uk/victimsfirst_GyLoa
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