A rally is taking place in Central Milton Keynes today from 12pm as protesters call for an immediate general election.
Post, rail and NHS workers will be among those joining a rally in Central Milton Keynes today (29/10).
The rally, organised by MK People's Assembly, a non-party political coalition made up of local trades unions and campaign groups, will be held at CMK with speakers including People's Assembly national secretary and ex-MP Laura Pidcock, Delia Mattis, from Black Lives Matter, and local trades union officers.
The rally, which is linked to the national People's Assembly's "Britain is Broken" march in London on Saturday November 5th, is calling for an immediate general election.
Gary Lloyd, local postman and trade union liaison for MK people's assembly said: “Ordinary working people are fighting back in the only way they can; by taking strike action.
"During the pandemic, key workers were being applauded on the doorstep for keeping the country going, but we are now being attacked for standing up for our pay and conditions. We are just working people who have watched our wages being eroded year on year whilst executive pay and corporate profits have soared. Well, now we say 'enough is enough'. We demand and deserve better."
Convenor of MK People's Assembly, Kevin Vickers, added: "The government's repeated approach of reducing taxes for the super rich and corporations has failed.
"They want ordinary people to pay for it with cuts to services, wages and benefits in a new round of austerity. On top of that we have yet another Prime Minister who has been coronated by the Conservative Party, not elected by the public. If we are a democracy then we cannot continue to accept this. There must now be a general election to let the people decide the direction the country takes next."