Queen's Jubilee: What celebrations are taking place in Milton Keynes?

    This year, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate seventy years of service, with a Platinum Jubilee. An extended bank holiday is being held from 2nd - 5th June 2022 with lots of celebrations planned for MK residents to mark this historic milestone.

    Platinum Jubilee celebrations taking place across Milton Keynes.

    Thursday 2nd June

    • Bletchley Park, Platinum Jubilee Vintage Picnic from 9am
    • Milton Keynes Council, Jubilee Parade and Ceremony – Midsummer Blvd/MK Rose, Campbell Park from 10.30am
    • MyMiltonKeynes celebrations, Campbell Park from 11am
    • Beacon lighting from 9pm in Campbell Park organised by The Parks Trust
    • Beacon Lighting, Hanslope Recreation Ground from 9pm
    • Beacon Lighting, MK Museum from 8.30pm

    Friday 3rd June

    • Special Needs Jubilee Party at Stacey Bushes Meeting Place (Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council)

    Saturday 4th June

    • Hanslope Sports Day
    • Vintage Event in Newport Pagnell, High Street and Bury Common – 11am – 5pm
    • Platinum Jubilee Celebratory Party, Milton Keynes Museum (Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council

    Sunday 5th June

    Are you hosting a Jubilee event? Let us know at info@mkfm.com.

    Platinum Jubilee Community Grant Funding

    Milton Keynes Council and MK Community Foundation are offering grants for Parishes and Communities to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This additional funding was agreed at MK Council’s budget setting meeting on 9th February. Any questions about these small grants of between £250 - £1,000 should be directed to applications@mkcommunityfoundation.co.uk.

    Big Jubilee Lunch 

    Are you thinking of holding a street party or picnic with family, friends and neighbours for the Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 5th June 2022?

    Why not have a ‘tree party’ – a tea party to honour your favourite tree in Milton Keynes? The Tree Cathedral at Newlands is a lovely place to have a picnic and it has a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees, so it looks stunning at any point of the year.

    If you are organising a street party and need a road to be closed, please complete an application form on MK Council's website and email to TROteam@milton-keynes.gov.uk at least 3 weeks before your event. You will also need to send any copies of letters issued to local residents and businesses. 

    Please note, while MK Council will make a charge to commercial organisations, they do not charge neighbours, parish councils and other not for profit groups who are holding an event. 

    It’s important that roads are closed formally and emergency services and transport operators are given ample notice for safety reasons.  Access must be maintained for emergency vehicles at all times. Access to and from people’s properties must also be allowed at all times so you will need to factor that into your plans.

    You can also add your event to The Big Lunch Map.

    500 trees to be planted around Milton Keynes to celebrate The Queen’s Green Canopy.

    500 trees are being planted across Milton Keynes in celebration of HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, including a new Community Orchard near a historic city centre site.

    The Queen’s 'Green Canopy' initiative asks people around the UK to ‘plant a tree for the Jubilee’.

    The Council is working with local volunteers to help plant fruit trees including apple, pear, plum and cherry near the ancient Secklow Mound on North Row in Central Milton Keynes as part of the new Community Orchard.

    Dozens of trees have already been temporarily planted at Station Square as part of The Modernist Glade public art project, alongside The Mushroom Pavilion - home to a free programme of workshops and family activities.

    The Council will be replacing some trees in poor health on Central MK’s boulevard.


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