Thames Valley Police is asking the public to help during the summer months due to an increase in calls to our 999 services.
Nationally, as well as in the Thames Valley, forces have been experiencing an increase of calls to 999 and 101.
This is down to a general increase of calls seen at this time of year and other factors such as the hot weather.
On Saturday calls to our 999 service increased by around 35 per cent compared with this time last year.
TVP are asking the public to therefore think about whether the call they are making is a genuine emergency that needs an immediate police response.
Please still call 999 if you are in immediate danger.
TVP would also ask people to think whether their call is really a police matter.
Issues such as noise disputes, parking issues, broken down or abandoned vehicles, would not be dealt with by Thames Valley Police and people should direct their calls to the appropriate agency.
Helen Faulkner, Senior Delivery Manager for Contact Management, says, “Thames Valley Police has the appropriate resources in place to deal with those who call in an emergency, however I would urge people to think about whether they really do need to dial 999.
“A call to 999 which is not an emergency could potentially stop someone in real need getting help from us.
“If it is not an emergency, then call the non-emergency number 101 or you can report a crime online on our website.
“We are aware that people might have to wait longer when calling 101 at this time, this is due to this increase in demand, but we would ask that people be patient and not call 999 as an alternative number.
“If you do need to call 101 then consider calling outside peak times which tend to be between 4pm and 8pm.
“Please also consider if Thames Valley Police is the appropriate service to call.
“It is still important to remember that if you are in a real emergency and need the police, please do call 999.”
A good resource for information for policing is on Twitter @AskThePolice or on the Ask The Police website.