'Pothole' Pete says Milton Keynes has the 3rd best roads in the country

    Milton Keynes has the third-best roads in the country, according to a recent survey.

    This was announced during an MKFM interview that aired this week. Cllr Pete Marland, the Leader of Milton Keynes Council, was in discussion with Darren from the MK Breakfast show about several current topics including covid supportschools, and road improvements. 

    During the interview, he revealed that Milton Keynes has been recognised for the quality of its roads.

    The National Highway and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey (NHT Survey), which is carried out every year, was sent to over 404,000 people in 109 authorities. 

    The postal survey was sent to people in Milton Keynes, and asked them questions about the quality of roads, and improvements, in their area. 

    Milton Keynes came in third for 'best performer' and for 'biggest improver'.

    Most authorities who participated saw their satisfaction results fall compared to the year before, but Milton Keynes bucked this trend by seeing more improvements than reductions (43 in total). Click here to find out more about the NHT Survey.

    During the interview, Cllr Marland was also asked about potholes, a topic that he joked is something that is often discussed during his interviews. "You can never win on potholes," he added, "It's one of those things that if you fix two there will always be a third, but we've had an enormously wet year and that's not been great for the roads."

    The ongoing wheelie bin consultation was also mentioned, which is something that has sparked real debate over the past few months. Milton Keynes Council has introduced a pilot whereby thousands of households across the city are trialling four wheelie bins, rather than the traditional sacks.

    Each bin is colour coded as to what should go in it:

    • Green: Food and garden waste
    • Grey: Residual waste
    • Blue: Plastic, metals and glass
    • Red: Paper and card

    Cllr Marland himself is taking part in the trial, and admitted that he previously did not want to take part due to living in an area of terraced houses, but now admits that it "works quite well".

    Those who are taking part in the scheme are now invited to tell the council their experiences of the pilot, which the council wishes to implement city-wide from April 2023.

    Earlier this year, 72% of residents backed the council's wheelie bin plans in an MKFM poll. 

    You can access the online consultation here

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