Police have been issuing fines to people who breach lockdown rules in Milton Keynes

Officers from Thames Valley Police have this week been out issuing fines to residents breaching lockdown rules.

The nation is currently in its third lockdown which means people must stay at home unless it is absolutely essential to go out. 

Social mixing has been limited to individual households and support bubbles, with very few exceptions. Two people from separate households can exercise together, but this must take place in a public place and not someone's garden. 

Earlier this month, Thames Valley Police received over 100 reports of non-compliance with coronavirus rules.

These reports have continued to come in, as this week local officers have issued "a number of fines" over the past few days in relation to the breaches.

A spokesperson for the police force said: "During this lockdown we should not be away from our homes without a reasonable excuse and cannot meet up with persons outside of our household or support bubbles, other than for certain exceptional circumstances."

They added: "We all need to do our bit to prevent the spread of this virus and blatant breaches of these regulations will not be tolerated. Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives."

Reports can be made via the Thames Valley Police website, with several breach categories available - including 'stay at home' breaches, self-isolation breaches and face coverings not being worn.

Police say you should only call 101 to tell them about COVID-19 breaches if you are unable to report online. If the threat is immediate or a crime is ongoing, please call 999.

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