Police crackdown on car cruising in Milton Keynes with mobile CCTV unit

    Image: TVP

    Police officers in Milton Keynes were out preventing car cruising across the weekend from Friday (27/5) to Sunday (29/5).

    Car cruising is a much-spoken about topic in Milton Keynes, with many events taking place across the city.

    Thames Valley Police say there has been recent increased activity of irresponsible cruisers who drive in an anti-social manner and often dangerously on public roads.

    Over the weekend, officers were out across MK in a bid to prevent car cruising from taking place. During their patrols, three drivers were reported for driving without insurance with one car seized for having no insurance.

    Three other drivers were issued tickets for anti-social driving, with one driver having their car seized as a result of repeatedly driving in an anti-social manner.

    On Saturday (28/5) Roads Policing officers assisted local teams in patrolling the roads with a mobile CCTV unit being set up- leading to drivers abandoning plans and moving out of the area.

    Thames Valley Police said: "By taking part in this behaviour, drivers pose a risk to other innocent motorists using the road and can disturb local residents trying to sleep with illegally altered exhaust systems and tyre screeching."

    This comes as Ben Everitt, MP for Milton Keynes North, has submitted an application to the Department for Transport to bring the new noise camera trial to Milton Keynes.

    Across England and Wales, four areas are set to trial new phase 2 technology to help stop rowdy motorists revving their engines unnecessarily or using illegal exhausts. Currently, the technology is still in design phase.

    MPs were invited to submit applications to trial new innovative noise cameras in their local area.

    You can read more here - MP submits application to bring noise camera trial to Milton Keynes

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