A planning application for a new bowling alley in Milton Keynes has been given the green light.
A Milton Keynes shopping centre is a step closer to getting a brand new bowling alley.
Milton Keynes City Council granted permission on Monday (20 March) for a new bowling alley with a bar and dining facility to be built on the lower floor of the Next Beauty & Home unit in Midsummer Place, Milton Keynes.
The application requested planning permission for the change of use of basement from retail to a bowling alley and leisure/recreation use with associated bar and dining facilities.
The unit is currently occupied by Next Beauty & Home but since the closure of Debenhams, the basement of the unit has remained empty with the new Next department store only taking up one of the three floors.
In the application, the shopping centre said they believed the plans would help secure its"long-term viability".
Central Milton Keynes Town Council commented on the application, stating that: "The Town Council, whilst regretting the loss of retail space in the primary shopping area of CMK, supports this COU application to turn the lower floor of the former Debenhams store into a bowling alley and leisure facility"
Cllr Wallis, of the CMK Ward, commented that it was a 'brilliant idea'.