Planning application filed for six new flats in Milton Keynes

    The proposed project would erect a block of flats on the land south of 46 – 50 Powis Lane.

    Milton Keynes Council has laid out plans for Oxley Park to become host to a new residential housing block – complete with associated parking, landscaping and drainage.

    The construction plans promise “an attractive high-quality development” in the area.

    However, many residents strongly oppose the idea. Local Stephen Brown objects to the development as he said: “The proposed flats will have a huge negative visual impact on the pond and grassland area, which greets anyone entering the estate. This open aspect will be robbed from the neighbourhood.

    “There will be an increase in noise and traffic to the nearby amenities. Currently, parking is already an issue, and the road between Redgrave Drive and Powis Lane is often gridlocked. Adding buildings in the area will only make this worse and invade the privacy of the residents opposite.”

    Mr Brown also raised concerns about the wildlife in the area as he explained: “The [Oxley Park] pond is home to numerous wild animals such as newts, herons, fish and birds. This proposal will disturb and potentially injure the newts as well as destroy part of their resting/breeding place.

    “An increase in waste will also lead to the degradation of the nitrate protected pond and its protected flora and fauna.”

    Comments on the application are due by the 8th of February 2021.  

    If you wish to learn more about the proposal and have your views heard by the council, please click here.

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