The petition has called for any fast food retailer offering drive-thru services to print the registration number of any visitor's vehicles on their food packaging in a bid to combat the rise in littering.
Elizabeth Wright, who launched the petition, gave some more details about why she thinks this is needed as he said: "I would like to get all Drive-Thru retailers to be required to print car registrations on all take away packaging.
"Hopefully, this will cut down on the amount of litter that is blighting roadsides all over the country and should help cut rubbish being dumped on the roadsides and make companies and customers accountable for their litter.
"This will not only be good for the environment, but also improve areas and peoples mental health. This will also save Local Authorities millions of taxpayers money in clearing up the litter."
At the time of writing, the petition sits at just over 25,000 signatures and is due to receive a response from the government as it is has passed the required minimum threshold of 10,000 unique signatures. If the petition reaches 100,000 signatures then it will be eligible for a debate within parliament.
If you like to sign the petition for yourself, please click here.