Permission for more 'Welcome to Newport Pagnell' signs granted despite objection

    Five more sites for new Welcome to Newport Pagnell signs to celebrate the heritage of the area have been given the go-ahead.

    There was only one objection to the plans, from residents who wanted one positioned away from their house, but Milton Keynes Council officers decided to used powers delegated to them to approve the proposals.

    Council planning officer Charlotte Ashby said in her report that the sign would not be visible and it was not considered to result in a “harmful impact to residential amenity”.

    The seven gateway signs will be at Wolverton Road, Little Linford Road, North Crawley Road, Renny Park Road, London Road, Marsh End Road, and Northampton Road.

    Planners had previously granted the go-ahead to two of the signs, at the junction of Little Linford Road, and Pennycress Way, and a gateway sign in Hill View, Wolverton Road. The last five

    Councillors at Newport Pagnell Town Council will choose the image for each panel to represent the town’s heritage and identity.

    Other planning decisions made last week included:

    • Listed building consent for Costa re-image internally and externally, including new signage, decoration and the refurbishment of the existing fixtures and fittings. 158 Midsummer Arcade, Central Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes, MK9 3BA. Approved.
    • Advertisement consent for the replacement of the existing internally illuminated Costa signages with a new internally illuminated COSTA COFFEE signages besides reskinning the existing projecting sign. 158 Midsummer Arcade, Central Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes, MK9 3BA. Approved.
    • Advertisement consent to display signage and flags for marketing of the Campbell Wharf development comprising of 3no. illuminated gantry signs, 8no. flags and addition of graphics to existing construction hoarding. Campbell Park H3 And H4 Canalside, Overgate, Campbell Park, Milton Keynes. Permitted.
    • Advertisement consent for a fascia sign and projecting sign to the front of property. 6 Brooklands Road, Brooklands, Milton Keynes, MK10 7NF. Permitted.
    • Stepped footbridge over railway and improvements to alternate, at-grade, crossing route. Approximately 200M East of Woburn Sands Train Station. Permitted.
    • Change of use from flexible A1/B1 Workshop use class to hot-food takeaway (A5 use class). 11 Bodmin Place, Broughton, Milton Keynes, MK10 7DP. Permitted.
    • Change of use (of unit 5) from flexible A1/B1 Workshop use class to hot-food takeaway (A5 use class). 11 Bodmin Place, Broughton, Milton Keynes, MK10 7DP. Permitted.
    • Newt Compensation attached to planning permission 18/01304/REM Impacts Plan 3, dated Oct 2018. Land North And West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes. Permitted.
    • Applications refused permission
    • Change of use from C3 to C4 (HiMO) for three occupants. 141 Stratford Road, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5FD. Application refused.
    • Change of use and conversion of dwelling house (C3) into a HiMO (C4).
    • 18 Milland Way, Oxley Park, Milton Keynes, MK4 4GU. Refused.

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