Milton Keynes comes together to applaud the NHS

    Last night, thousands of people throughout MK joined the nation in thanking the NHS with a round of applause.

    Residents took to their doorsteps, windows, and balconies at 8 pm last night to applaud those keeping us safe during the coronavirus pandemic. 

    It seems most estates throughout MK joined in, with people sharing the videos on social media using the hashtag #ClapForOurHeroes. 

    "Well done everyone," said one local. "It's amazing all the hard work teachers, childcare providers, shop assistants and NHS staff are all doing, my claps go out to them all and anyone else working hard and putting themselves at risk to keep our country running."

    "There I was crying my eyes out at my doorstep," added another. "What a brilliant way to say thank you to the NHS." 

    Famous faces amongst those throughout the UK joining in with the campaign were the Royal Family, Daniel Craig, and David Beckham. 

    The campaign has proved so popular that residents now say this should be a regular occurrence. "We should do this EVERY Thursday until this all blows over. Continuous love and support for all of the NHS and the key workers," said a person on Facebook.

    Click here to find out more about #ClapForOurCarers.

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